Beat Samsung, Apple Sues Google Ready?

Beat Samsung, Apple Sues Google Ready? - Some of the judge, the main target of the lawsuit with Apple in the war were some of the vendors as the creator of Google's Android operating system. Now with a victory over Samsung, the biggest player Android OS, will Apple sue Google?

The late Steve Jobs himself pointed Android a stolen product, and Apple wants to launch 'thermonuclear war' against it. But so far, Apple has not sued Google directly but Android vendors such as Samsung, HTC or Motorola.

"All of this is a ploy by Apple. Afraid There's no reason Apple sued Google directly. Yet the tactics better suited to fight another device vendors," said Florian Mueller, a patent expert who had been observing the battle between handset vendors claim.

Apple victory over Samsung patent does not mean that the war will be finished. Moreover, Samsung plans to appeal. And in many parts of the world, there are still several lawsuits between them are yet to be decided.

Mueller also thinks Apple will still do his tactics and instead sued Google Android vendor directly. At least in the near future. Beat Samsung, Apple Sues Google Ready?

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