Tim Cook Says iOS Will Be More Open For Developers

Tim Cook Says iOS Will Be More Open For Developers This is a very interesting news coming from Tim Cook stated. will be open iOS, for developers (Developer).

At the beginning of this year, if you still remember. we know as a hacker and iOS Developers That pod2g. which makes some status on Twitter with the hastag # weWantAnOpeniOS to raise awareness, if the developers want to open iOS Without Jailbreak.

Tim Cook Says iOS Will Be More Open For Developers

He also argued that there are no technical constraints of restrictions Appel, from offering iOS Developers To Ask for more freedom, so it must consider to open it. Not only is this a trending hashtag in Twitter, but this petition gathered more than 11,000 signatures. Well, seems someone from Apple listening to It.

The following is quoted from the transcript of the conversation from the Live Blog The Verge.

Question: Let’s talk about control. There’s a lot of talk about open versus closed. Facebook did Facebook Home, which hasn’t done very well. Eric Schmidt said it’s great, it’s fine. I understand that they came and talked to you about it, and Apple wouldn’t let anyone take over the lock screen. Your keyboard and your recognition, predictive typing and all that stuff, hasn’t kept pace with Android. They allow other people to make that technology, third parties can give you a choice. Have you given any thought to a little bit less control?
Answer: Yeah, of course. On the general topic of opening up APIs, I think you’ll see us open up more in the future, but not to the degree that we put the customer at risk of having a bad experience. So there’s always a fine line to walk there, or maybe not so fine.
We think the customer pays us to make choices on their behalf. I’ve see some of these settings screens, and I don’t think that’s what customers want. Do some want it? Yes. But you’ll see us open up more.

 Question: So there’ll be some features you’ll let third parties do?

  Answer: Yes.

Tim Cook speaks at the AllThingsD D11 conference this year held yesterday and talked about some of the interesting points that came out of Main Topic, But Special concern in the interview is related to iOS become more open.

Remember that Apple has always had a very tight control on iOS, this is actually a pretty big The decision. Although Apple will never open up iOS to the point where the Mobile Substrate will be allowed, even giving Developer control over certain aspects of iOS, like making widgets for the Notification Center or enabling integration with Siri.

Whatever it is, we hope it will get news at WWDC next month. Apple has confirmed that Tim Cook and other teams, will use the high-profile developer conference to show a preview of OSX and IOS Next Generation.

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